Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Leftover Thanksgiving July

When my mom was in town back in July, we decided to make Thanksgiving dinner.  After a couple of days of leftovers, I decided it was time to do something else with the turkey instead of just eating Thanksgiving over and over.  After doing some searching, Turkey Tetrazzini seemed like a yummy idea. 

The ingredients are:

cream cheese
chicken stock
white wine
salt and pepper
parmesan cheese

To start, I melted butter in a pan and added the garlic and onions.  After a couple of minutes, the wine were added to the pan with the mushrooms.  

While that was cooking and bubbling, I added the bacon into a separate pan and let it cook.  

After a while, the liquid will reduce from the mushroom mixture and it will become "pasty."  At this point, the bacon should also be cooked through so it can be drained of the fat.  At this point, you basically add the rest of your ingredients to the pan with mushrooms: cream cheese, noodles, peas, bacon, chicken stock, and cheese.  (I forgot to mention earlier but your noodles should already be cooked).

 You give everything a quick toss just to mix everything up and then put it in the baking dish for the oven.  Some parmesan cheese is sprinkled on top for extra cheesy goodness.

 Once it bakes for a while, you take it out of the oven.  It will basically look the same as it did before but more bubbly and the cheese will have melted.

To serve, I added some more parmesan cheese and grated pepper on top.  I really liked the mixture of cheese and bacon, which is always one of my favorite combos with pasta.  Cream cheese and bacon...yum.  This had a good thickness too it which I liked, b/c there is nothing worse than a runny sauce when it comes to pasta.  This was a great way to use leftover turkey without repeating a Thanksgiving meal of some sort, like a sandwich or another plate of leftovers.