Monday, October 1, 2012

Shrimp is the fruit of the sea

Sorry for being MIA lately.  Between traveling and baseball, I haven't cooked in over a week....until last friday.  But since it was friday, I obviously didn't blog since the weekend was full of activities.  So hopefully, this week I'll make my way back into blogging again.

I noticed at Whole Foods last Thursday that shrimp was on sale for $3 off.  We are a shrimp loving family so I definitely jumped on that deal.  I ended up buying about 2.75 lbs and threw the majority in the freezer.  For the remaining, I made shrimp salad + cocktail.  I've never had shrimp salad but I wanted to make salad that night for dinner so it seemed fitting.

Not a whole lot of pictures for this one but it's pretty simple and didn't really use a lot of steps.  The ingredients were:
So basically, the celery, onion, and dill get chopped up and then everything gets thrown together and whisked.  
I made mine a couple hours early so I could put it in the fridge and let the flavors come together more and release into each other.  So about 3 hours later, we ate dinner.  We usually eat around 6:30-7:00 but that night we ate around 8:00.  I'm glad we ate late that night b/c I think the flavors were allowed to develop more. 

For the rest of the salad I just picked veggies that I thought would work well.  This included butter lettuce, romaine, avocado, cucumber, and tomatoes.  Then for dressing we just used a mix of ranch and french, kind of imitating cocktail sauce without the spice.  
For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to dump all the leftover stuff onto my salad so it almost turned into a soupy mess.  Next time, I will definitely only dig out the actual stuff and leave the remaining dressing in the bowl.  Eric's turned out fine b/c I just scooped the junk out of the bowl so that was good.  By the time I was done eating though, there was just a puddle of shrimp salad liquid on my bowl. 

Liquid aside, the salad was good.  The celery and onion gave the salad a good crunch.  The french dressing, I think, worked really well by adding a tartness to the mix of creamy.  Definitely an easy dinner and very quick.  This meal was made in probably less than 10 minutes.  

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