Wednesday, February 27, 2013

There are plenty more fish in the sea

I've gotten into this thing where we go to Costco and I feel the need to buy things in bulk b/c it will "eventually save me money."  I'm not sure how true this is b/c our freezer is full of things we bought at Costco but I figure we'll eat it eventually.  This is where our dinner the other night came from.

I really like making and eating whole fish so when I saw the option to buy lots of them in one package, I thought "why not?" So I bought a package of 4 whole trout.  I've never made trout and I'm not even really sure that I've had it before but it's fish and I like fish so whatever.
To make the fish, I used:
white wine
LOTS of garlic
salt and pepper
I sliced the lemon and slivered the garlic.  Then I stuffed the fish and added the remaining ingredients on top. 
 So this dish went into the oven covered with foil for about 25 minutes.  I took it it, convinced it would be done, but it wasn't =/  I put it back in the oven for another 20 minutes and it came out perfectly! I'm always worried about overcooking fish more than undercooking so I always feel like it should be done quickly.  Apparently this is never the case b/c it's never done when I check it the first time.

With the fish, I made mashed potatoes.  Didn't see the need to post about the potato process since I've done it more than once I'm sure and most people can boil and mash a potato.  :)

So there's dinner! A whole trout, head included and mashed potatoes.  The potatoes were super.  Loads of butter and creamy and yummy.  The fish....was ok.  I think the first fish I made was better and had more flavor.  It was a little bland and needed a lot more salt for sure.  Overall though, the dinner was good and when the fish was eaten with the potatoes it was a lot better.  Note to self though: next time, "oversalt" the fish!! 

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