Wednesday, April 3, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemons...

I bought this chicken a while ago since it was buy one get one free at the store.  I put them in the freezer and since I rarely cook chicken, I forgot about it.  Then it occurred to me one day that I really wanted to make some chicken so I got it out of the freezer but didn't know what to do with it.  I decided I really wanted chicken picatta but since I'm not eating gluten I couldn't make it due to the breadcrumbs.  I went in search for something that was similar and came across chicken saltimbocca.  It sounded easy enough and had a lemon sauce which is what I was looking for.  I decided to pair it with roasted veggies. 

To start, the ingredients are: 

Roasted Veggies:
yellow squash
olive oil

chicken stock

The first thing I did with the chicken was pound it flat with a meat masher.  Once they were all about the same thickness, I layered prosciutto followed by spinach and then parmesan cheese.  This is when the tricky part comes in, the roll up.  Since there's so much stuffing, it can get a little tricky but just think of a burrito without having to fold in the sides.  Starting at the bottom, roll up the chicken and then secure it with toothpicks. 

The chicken rolls get placed in the frying pan with some olive oil and browned on all sides.  Once brown, the chicken is removed from the pan and the chicken stock and lemon juice is added.  Scrape the brown bits from the bottom of the pan and replace the chicken into the pan.  Once it comes to a simmer, put the lid on it and let it cook through. 

The veggies should be cut and put into a baking pan.  They go in the oven and just let them roast until soft.  

Once the chicken is cooked through, remove it and cook the sauce some more.  It will cook down and become a little thicker.  I poured the sauce over both the chicken and the veggies, giving everything a fresh lemony flavor. 

Luckily, the rolls stayed together and didn't fall apart when removing or plating.  Take out the toothpicks before eating.  We topped everything with more parmesan cheese.  This was pretty good! Not the same as chicken picatta but healthier so I guess that's ok.  It was still good and had the lemon that I was craving.  Roasted veggies are always good so I enjoyed those.  I'm not even sure that we had any leftovers that night.    

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