Thursday, November 8, 2012

The chicken came first. God would look silly sitting on an egg.

I really like casseroles and crock potting dinners b/c of how easy and delicious they are.  I also love roast chickens.  Usually, I just buy a chicken at Whole Foods on Wednesday and use it for the week but then the chicken is cold by the time Eric gets home and I usually use it for something like salads or casseroles.  Instead, for dinner I decided to buy a whole chicken and cook it myself with sides of brussel sprouts and fingerling potatoes.

The ingredients for the whole dish were:
whole chicken
brussel sprouts
dijon mustard
I got the meat people at Whole Foods to cut the chicken up into 8 pieces.  I washed the chicken off and then dried it completely with paper towels.  To start the cooking process, I salt and peppered the chicken then heated some olive oil and browned the chicken on both sides in a dutch oven.
 Once the skin was brown, I removed it and added the cut up onion to the oil. While these things were browning, I also made the sauce for the chicken.  This included the honey, lemon, and dijon mustard.
When the onions were done, I added the potatoes and brussel sprouts to the dutch oven, as well as the chicken. I salt and peppered the veggies before topping with chicken. Making sure the chicken was in a single layer, I stuffed some rosemary in between the chicken and spooned the sauce on top of the chicken, trying to get some to drizzle down into the veggies.
 The dutch oven then went into the oven and cooked for an hour.
Before serving, I took out the rosemary.
Not the prettiest of colors since everything is a little bland looking but this turned out really well!  The chicken had really good flavor from the sauce and wasn't dry at all, which is something I always hate about chickens.  The potatoes and brussel sprouts were cooked through to the perfect amount of doneness and had a little flavor from the sauce as well. This was a great easy, yummy, and healthy dinner that didn't take a lot of effort at all to make.

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