Friday, November 9, 2012

When you feel neglected, think of the female salmon, who lays 3,000,000 eggs but no one remembers her on Mother's Day

There was a HUGE sale on wild Alaskan salmon at Whole Foods and we know that I LOVE salmon and HUGE sales so of course I had to buy some.  Since we had already decided on other things to eat for dinner/lunch and it was a weekend, I put it in the fridge to save for another day.  Another day has come and I decided to make salmon...well half of it b/c I bought a whole piece which is way more salmon than we could ever eat in a couple of days.  I decided to keep it light and make a dijon dill sauce and cucumber/onion salad.  I also used the leftover potatoes from the previous dinner as a side.

The ingredients I used were:
sour cream
dijon mustard

The first thing I did was make the cucumber/onion salad since it needed to chill in the fridge.  This included slicing the cucumbers and onions and putting them in a bowl with vinegar, sugar, salt, and dill.  I put it in a big bowl and mixed it.  Then stuck in the fridge to let it marinade. 

The next step was roasting the potatoes since it takes a little longer.  I put them in a pan with olive oil, salt, and, pepper and stuck them in the oven. 

I decided to poach the salmon which I've never done before so it seemed interesting enough.  To start, I cooked some shallots in a pan for a couple of minutes.  Then, I added white wine and water and let it come to a simmer before placing in the salmon and covering the pan. 
Finally, while everything was cooking, I started on the sauce.  The sauce was pretty easy b/c everything went into one pot, at the same time and then just gave it a mix while it was cooking.  This included cream, dijon, sour cream, honey, dill, salt, pepper...I think that was it but I kinda forgot =/
So poaching is pretty neat since it keeps the fish from drying out and with such a big piece of fish, the "thinner" parts tend to cook much faster and overcooking.  It also doesn't take very long at all and adds some flavor to the fish in the process without using butter or oil.  Once it was all done, the sauce went on the salmon and everything went on the plate.

I left out the sour cream of the cucumber salad since there was already sour cream in the fish sauce and figured I wouldn't go too crazy with it.  They were all complementary of each other since the potatoes could've used some sauce and there was extra from the fish.  The cucumbers gave a good crunch and tartness to the meal.  The dijon in the sauce also gave it a good kick, not too much but just slightly there.

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