Thursday, January 3, 2013

I know..I know...

I know I keep saying that I'm gonna be better about posting and then I never am =/  The Christmas rush at work is over but yet I'm still always too tired to update my blog at the end of the day. The past few weeks have been a little slow at the house due to Eric and I both being sick.  The cooking slowed down and the ordering delivery food and getting take out increased to a record high.  I did feel well enough to make Christmas dinner though.  I've never been home for Christmas since I was an adult so this was the first dinner I made at home.  It was nice to have Eric here so I didn't have to spend it alone.  We decided to do Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve so we could ski on Christmas day. Our menu consisted of:
charcuterie and cheese platter
prime rib
mashed potatoes
brussel sprouts
yorkshire pudding
key lime fruit tart

The pictures are little lacking but I've made all of these things before except for the yorkshire pudding.  I didn't really know what to expect but it was definitely interesting to say the least, and pretty good when paired with everything else.  

I work next to a cheese and charcuterie store and since it was Christmas, I felt it would be nice to have some appetizers before dinner.  I purchased the small platter since it was just the 2 of us and it ended up being much more than enough.  

The prime rib went into the oven at 500F for about 15 minutes and then I decreased the oven to 325F and let it cook to a medium rare.  It came out quite perfectly I think.  I didn't do anything special with the mashed potatoes or brussel sprouts.  The sprouts were just roasted with olive oil, salt, and pepper.  To make yorkshire pudding, the remaining drippings from the prime rib were put into muffin tins, about 1/6 of a cup into each muffin cup.  The tin is then put into the oven at 450F until the drippings are steaming hot.  I made the batter a few hours earlier and let it sit for about 30 minutes at room temp.  The batter is consisted of:
baking powder
It looks a lot like pancake batter when it's done. The batter is then poured into the heated oil and the whole tin is put back into the oven for about 20 minutes, until they rise A LOT.  You can't tell how tall they are in the pictures but they're at least 6 inches tall and hollow.  I also made a horseradish sauce with horseradish, sour cream, and lemon juice.  

Eric loves key lime pie and we both love fruit tarts so I thought it would be a good idea to mix the two into one.  I'm not really sure what happened but for some reason, my tart fell completely apart when I tried to take it off the bottom round from the tart pan.  Luckily, I still got it home somehow and it was still delicious. 

Needless to say, we didn't get to finish all of this food and we still have some leftovers but the dinner was great! It was a great Christmas meal and cost significantly less than what we would've spent at a restaurant.  

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