Friday, June 8, 2012

Just like the Flintstones at the drive-in

Last night, I was really craving red meat.  Not just steak or something simple but something really a roast or something.  The last time I made a roast, it was in my new dutch oven and it overcooked and I was a little upset about it.  The flavor was good and the veggies were good but the meat was well done which made me a little sad.  Let's just say it was a pot roast to make me feel better :) Since it's so hot out, I didn't feel like a roast was suitable but a prime rib however, AWESOME! I have never made a prime rib before so I was a little nervous about it overcooking and being stuck with a big hunk of rubber but decided to tackle it anyway.

I went to Whole Foods and started by picking up some carrots, parsnips, an onion, and some potatoes.
These were peeled and cut into "chunks" and put on the bottom of the roasting pan, outside the prime rib.
Next, I headed over to the butcher and asked for 2 rib bones of prime rib.  Apparently, prime rib isn't a common request b/c the guy had to go in the back and dig out this HUGE piece of meat that probably weighed at least 20 lbs and he cut off 2 bones for me.  He set it on the scale and it weight 5.5 lbs!!! It was huge! I felt like the Flintstones at the drive-in when the ribs knock their car over.  I immediately start laughing since I am only cooking for 2 and I am about to prepare over 5 lbs of meat.  He asked if it was too much and I said no since I felt bad that he would have to go back and trim this beautiful cut of meat.  It looked so pretty, I just couldn't ask him to shave it down.  Plus, I figured we could make sandwiches with the leftovers right?

So the ingredients for prime rib are pretty simple and as follows:
fresh grated horseradish
fresh minced garlic
olive oil
prime rib
I made a horseradish crust which is where the horseradish comes into play.  All you really do is mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and then rub it all over the meat.  Place the meat into the roasting pan with your veggies and stick it in the oven. I cooked mine at 350 degrees for 1 hour 30 min.  Then removed it from the oven and let it sit for 20 min. 
I was able to use my double ovens last night! I bought more veggies just to roast so I put them in the bottom oven at 400 for 1 hour.  It's the same veggies as above just drizzled with olive oil, salt, and pepper.  I didn't put potatoes in the roast but they were quartered and put into the veggie roast.  
The finished products looked like this!

I removed the veggies from the prime rib and put them together with the roasted veggies.  Some of the crust had fallen onto the veggies giving them a salty flavor which added to the flavor of the roasted veggies once they were mixed together.  After letting the roast rest for 20 minutes we were ready to eat!
It came out perfectly for me since I like medium rare steak.  It was a little rare for Eric once we got to the center so he nuked it for a few seconds. 
Even Jules got a piece of the action.  We were able to get to the 1st bone so we could give it to her.  She has been so spoiled since we moved into this house! 

We have so much leftover! I shaved some and sent Eric to work today with a French Dip which I think will be a good temperature once he heats it up so it won't be so rare for him.  I ate some for breakfast and lunch.  I'd say we'll be eating this for at least another week but I think it's safe to say that it will probably gone within 2 more days :)

Two thumbs up and a pat on the back for this one.  I'd say this is probably one of the best dinners I've ever made.  It's definitely up on the list! 

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