Tuesday, June 5, 2012

You say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to

We had some friends over last night for a BBQ so they could see the house and hang out.  I just picked up some kebabs and pasta salad from Whole Foods so dinner was already prepared but I felt that it would be nice to make an appetizer.  For this, I chose to make double tomato bruschetta.  I first made this dish a while back when Eric and I started dating and to this day, after ALLLLL the food I've made, he says it's one of his favorites.  It's the easiest thing in the world and the only thing I had to buy was bread and tomatoes.  The ingredients are as follows:
Grape tomatoes
Sundried tomatoes
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
parmesan cheese

I just cut the tomatoes in half, chopped the garlic, basil, and sundried tomatoes, and threw everything in a bowl.  I then added olive oil and balsamic and tossed it all together.  Salt and peppered to taste and added the cheese at the end.  I usually toast the bread but I was feeling a little lazy so I just sliced it and threw it in a dish.  

It turned out to be a big hit.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy it. 

For our entree, I bought 3 different kinds of kebobs.  Eric grilled them and only made 2 kinds: teriyaki and honey ginger.  They turned out to be pretty good.  We had 2 each and some mediterranean pasta salad. 
Quick and easy dinner last night.  All things worked out well with the BBQ theme and glad that it didn't rain since the weather has been so iffy lately.  

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