Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Super easy delicious grilled pork

We gorged last week when mom was in town so this week I wanted to make sure we ate well, especially since we're going to Vegas this weekend and will probably gorge.  The biggest difference between Eric and my idea of eating well is that I still want it to taste good and he could just drink water for a week which I just cannot do!  Luckily, I'm the one that makes dinner so we have been eating very healthily this week while still maintaining low calories.  You'd be surprised how good food can be even though it's low cal!

So last night, I made honey garlic pork chops, corn on the cob, and wilted spinach.  The ingredients were as follows:
boneless butterflied pork chops
soy sauce
I made a marinade with the ingredients and put them all in a ziplock bag.  It sat in the fridge for about 3 hours and I flipped it about 2 hours in.  
Once it was time to cook, I placed the pork on the grill at about medium high heat and cooked them for about 6 minutes each side.  Then let them sit for a couple of minutes just to cook some more off the grill and to allow juices to flow. 

I kept the spinach very simple.  I usually would have added garlic but since there was so much garlic in the pork, I decided to back off.  For the spinach, I used:
olive oil
parmesan cheese
I took the stems off the spinach and made sure to wash the leaves thoroughly since they are pretty muddy.  
In order to cook all this spinach, it has to be done in batches.  So to start, I put a handful of spinach into the pan.  Once it started wilting, I added another handful into the pan.  I did this until all the spinach was wilted and then I added salt, pepper, and lemon juice. 
I was worried that I may have bought too much spinach but we ended up eating all of it.  I bought 2 bunches which was about 2 pounds!!

The corn was simple.  Just boiled a pot of water and threw it in.  About 10 minutes later, took it out and it was done!

So for finished dinner, I topped the spinach with sprinkles of parmesan cheese. The corn was salt, peppered, and buttered.  I must say, it was a great dinner and it was even better knowing that it was healthy! I do suggest this pork to anyone that likes pork.  It was so easy to make and I already had all of the ingredients on hand minus the meat.  It was cheap and delicious.  I don't know that it's possible for anyone to screw up any part of this meal.  I think this marinade could also be used on steak and chicken if pork's not for you.

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