Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How do bears catch salmon?

Sorry I've been a little slow lately at updating. I'm not really sure why but I have just been getting behind on blogging.  However, I will work on it and updates are coming! I still have Moto...I think that's the problem.  That's going to be such a long post that I just avoid doing it, which causes me to avoid blogging overall.

I realized last night that we hadn't had fish in a long time so decided that it was time to make some.  I decided to go with salmon with a side of light pasta.  The salmon was quite simple.  I seasoned it with salt and pepper.  Placed some olive oil on foil, sliced some lemons and placed them on top, then created a foil bag and put it in the oven at 400 for 20  minutes.
To top the salmon, I decided to make a "cream" sauce.  It's actually sour cream based and turned out pretty well.  However, I made way too much of it, even though I halved the recipe, so I will have to find some other fish to make later this week.  The ingredients for the sauce were:
sour cream
fresh dill
lemon juice
red crushed pepper
To make it, I just shopped up a shallot and some dill and then mixed all the ingredients together in a bowl.  Then squeezed in some lemon juice and that was about it!  It turned out close to a tartar sauce.  Pretty good though I must say.  
While the salmon was in the oven, I put the pasta in boiling water and let it cook until al dente.  The ingredients that went into it were:
sun dried tomatoes
olive oil
The pasta was incredibly easy and simple, which is why I made the sauce with the salmon.  Once the pasta was cooked, I put some minced garlic in a pan with olive oil and cooked it for about 2 minutes.  Then added some chopped up sundried tomatoes and cooked that for a bit.  Then added the pasta and tossed.  Finally, added the arugula and gave a quick toss until almost wilted and it was done!  I seasoned it with some salt and pepper and then topped it with some parmesan.  

Final dinner turned out kinda like this:
Not the prettiest of plating but it was pretty good.  The pasta was a light and not overwhelming with the lightness of the salmon.  The sauce added good flavor to the salmon and the pasta as well.  Super simple and light dinner, which is always perfect for a monday night after a weekend of stuffing your faces with heavy foods and beer :)

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