Friday, August 3, 2012

Thanks Michael Symon!

I've recently discovered the show The Chew and I love it!! I don't know if you've seen it but it comes on at noon MTN time mon-fri. On Tues, they had an episode on grilling where Michael Symon made something that looked absolutely wonderful.  I decided to also make this delicious looking dish so I took it on..making a few changes here and there.  The original recipe can be found under The Chew's website here: The Chew.

The skirt steak was easy.  I just let it rest for about 20 minutes on the counter to come to room temperature.  I then seasoned it with salt, pepper, and olive oil and grilled it for 4 minutes per side.  Once it was done, I put it on a cutting board with some olive oil and salt and let it sit for about 10 minutes.  It came out a perfect medium rare.

I have to say, this salad is probably one of the best salads ever, especially to go with this steak.  This is where I changed some of the recipe.  The dressing mixture I kept the same, just changing some of the ingredients inside.  My ingredients were as follows:
red wine vinegar
olive oil
To start the salad, I made the dressing.  This was done combining the red wine vinegar, olive oil, honey, salt, and pepper and mixing in a bowl.  I then chopped up the shallots and added them to the dressing.  
They had strawberries at the Farmer's Market for $1 a box so I thought they would add a good touch to the mixture of tart and sweet.  I quartered them and also added them to the bowl.  Next, I halved the peaches and removed the pit.  I also halved the radicchio.  I then threw it in the bowl with the dressing and gave it a toss, making sure to coat.  I then put the radicchio and peaches on the grill.  

I thought I had a picture of everything on the grill but apparently not =/ 

After about 4-5 minutes, the fruit and radicchio was lightly charred and ready to come off the grill.  I then cut up the peaches more so they were in chunks and then sliced the radicchio.  Then put them both back into the dressing and tossed.  I found that it's easiest to toss all of these things by can get a bit messy.  

The tart, sweet, bitter mixture of this salad all worked together so well. I suggest that anyone who likes salads or wants something light should make this as a side.  It reminds me of German coleslaw with more ingredients instead of just cabbage.

So final product: I made 2 variations.  For me, I placed the steak on top where with Eric's, I put the salad on top and then topped it with Feta cheese.  I think you can pretty much use any crumbly cheese with this, bleu or goat, but as you should know by now, I hate both of those cheeses so feta always works well for me.  Plus, the light flavor of feta doesn't overpower the salad so I think it works best.

This recipe was incredibly easy.  I give mad props to Michael Symon and this really just makes me want to eat at his restaurant, Lola.  This dish was so good! I think the salad definitely made it.  It complimented the steak so well being light in comparison to the "heavy" red meat.  I couldn't believe it but Eric finished the entire bowl of salad! I thought we would have enough leftovers for lunch the next day.

If you have a grill, I would definitely give this a shot.  It's a pretty impressive meal without the difficulty.

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