Thursday, July 26, 2012's what's for dinner.

Nothing too exciting for dinner last night.  I had a really hard time figuring out what to make so I decided just to go to Whole Foods to see if something would trigger my brain.  Lucky for me, they had NY strips on sale for $7 off! Obviously, I had to jump on that since it's been a whole week since we've had steak.

Pretty simple preparation: salt, pepper, garlic powder..thrown on the grill for 4 min a side and then let it sit for about 8 minutes before eating. It was most steaks are.
For the side, I went through a process of wanting to make "stir fry" but then wanting to leave it plain, then going back to stir fry but without some ingredients.  Originally, the ingredients were:
sesame oil
olive oil
teriyaki sauce
I chopped the squash and zucchini up and sliced the onion.  Then heated the oils in the pan and added the onion and garlic. After a couple of minutes, I added the squash and zucchini. 
After letting it cook for a bit, I couldn't decide if I wanted to add the pineapple or teriyaki so I pondered for a bit while letting the steaks cook.  Finally, I realized that if I didn't add sauce to it, we would have just probably dipped it in something later anyway so I decided to go with the teriyaki and leave out the pineapple.  So while the steaks were sitting, I added the teriyaki sauce and lemon juice from half a lemon and let it cook to heat thoroughly and for the flavors to soak in. 
We bought corn last week at the farmer's market and so I just threw those in a pot of boiling water.  They were gonna go bad otherwise and since we're going out of town, I thought it would be a good idea to cook them. 
Dinner was good. I'm not really sure what happened to my grill marks but it was cooked well and so I wasn't too worried about it.  The corn was awful.  We definitely waited too long to make it so needless to say, I didn't eat it.  The veggies were great and if you put the mushrooms and onions on top of the steak, it added a nice different flavor to the steak.  

Tomorrow, we go to Chicago for the weekend and I cannot be more excited about it! Hopefully in my excitement I will remember to document all our eats b/c I definitely plan on doing some damage.  I'm already excited to get home and blog about it all! 

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