Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th!

Sorry followers for being so slow lately on updates.  With mom in town and not a lot of cooking at home, blogging just hasn't been that important.  Due to that, this blog will have 2 meals.  

The first dinner was ahi tuna salad.  I've made this before and blogged about it but this will have more pictures and steps. I've been trying to not duplicate meals but my mom wanted salad and she loves tuna so we did this one again.  With this meal, I also bought some Burrata and french bread and topped the burrata with olive oil, balsamic, salt, pepper, and sun dried tomatoes. 

The ingredients for the salad were as follows:
salad mix
ahí tuna
orange bell peppers
ginger miso dressing
sesame seeds
I chopped everything up, leaving the tomatoes whole.  I coated the tuna with salt, pepper, and sesame seeds and then seared it in a pan with heated olive oil.  I let them cook about 3 minutes per side.  
Final product:
We've been eating A LOT of cocktail shrimp lately!! 

For the fourth, we didn't really do much of anything but lounge around and be lazy.  We decided to grill for dinner since that's the "American" thing to do anyway.  For this meal we bought the following:
pork beer brats
tequila lime shrimp
cajum shrimp
shrimp cocktail
beef satay
buffalo hot dog
This meal was pretty straight forward.  I threw the brats and hot dog on the grill.  After about 15 min or so, the shrimp and beef went on as well.  Turning a couple of times, after about 25 total minutes everything was done.  
The brats were pretty good and shrimp cocktail as always was delicious.  I will say one thing, I will never eat a buffalo hot dog ever again.  I had never had buffalo before last night and I can definitely say that I am NOT a fan!! It was just too gamey for me.  

So mom leaves today so back to cooking tonight.  Unfortunately, it's the weekend tomorrow so I may disappear again for a couple of days but next week will hopefully begin regular blogging again!

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