Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Father's Day to me :)

Yesterday, Whole Foods had a 1 day sale on rib eyes for Father's Day, which turned out to a great dinner for Eric and me! Houston's makes a great Hawaiian ribeye but takes 2 days to marinate which I clearly did not have the time for so instead, I got a teriyaki marinade that I marinaded the steaks in for about an hour.  The butcher behind the counter suggested it and was nice enough to give me the whole bottle for free as a sample which I thought was very nice of him! I don't usually put anything on my steaks besides salt, pepper, and garlic powder but I was really craving that Houston's ribeye.  For sides, we had grilled pineapple rings and green beans.  I started with 2 boneless rib eyes at about 8 oz each.  I put them in a plastic bag and poured the marinade on them and put them in the fridge for about an hour.  
While waiting for this to marinade, I decided to clean the green bean beans and chopped some onions.  I had some minced garlic leftover from the pork chop marinade so I didn't have to worry about chopping garlic which was nice b/c I always hate having that smell lingering on my fingers.  

I thought it would be nice to make them "Asian" inspired so I decided to make a sauce for them too.  I had saved about 1/4 cup of the marinade from the pork chops the night before and to it I added the following:
Soy sauce
Sesame oil
Just added the liquids to the previous marinade to taste.  I ended up having to add a lot more sriracha than I had thought but it turned out to be a good amount of heat.  We bought this HUGE bag of peanuts  from Costco so I thought it would be a good touch to add them to the green beans.  It took me a while but I finally deshelled them and gave them a rough chop. 
Now comes the cooking.  I took the rib eyes out of the fridge so they could rest to room temperature before going on the grill.  Cooking started by heating up some olive oil in a pan.  Once the oil was hot, the garlic and onions went in and they were cooked for about 5 minutes until fragrant and the onions were getting soft.  At this point, I turned on the grill to begin heating.  The green beans were added to the pan and sautéed for about 20 minutes on medium heat.  
At some point between green beans and heating the grill, I cut the pineapple rings just so they'd be ready to go. 
Finally, the ribeye went on the grill.  I usually cook them at about medium-high heat.  I let them cook for about 8 minutes per side since they were pretty thick, only flipping them once so they cook evenly.  For the last 8 minutes, the pineapple went on the grill for about 4 minutes per side.  
When the steaks and pineapple came off the grill, after 16 minutes, I let them sit in the plate for about 5-10 minutes so the juices could flow back through and they could finish cooking.  The steaks turned out about medium rare-medium.  Since the last few steaks had been so medium rare-rare, I figured I'd give Eric a break and cook them a little longer than usual.  While the steaks were resting, I added the sauce to the green beans and Eric tossed them for me until the sauce became more of a glaze over the green beans and finally, the peanuts were added.  Since the nuts were already cooked, you don't really want to do more than just heat them through with the dish. 

I must say, my grill marks are looking pretty good.  A little pat on the back for that one :) That's the biggest difference about grilling and cooking in a pan.  You can tell how many times things have been turned on the grill due to the grill marks.  It took a couple of tries before I got it right because I used to be so nervous about the heat and even cooking but I'm finally getting there! 

Overall, our dinner turned out really well! We ate almost all of it...with a little bit of green beans leftover.  I think next time, I may even marinade the steaks a little longer or even go with the Houston's Hawaiian ribeye marinade and go with a full 2 days.  Either way, this is definitely something I'd make again.  I was pretty pleased at how the green beans turned out since I basically just added random things to a marinade that had nothing to do with being Asian inspired.  Plus, you really can't go wrong with grilled pineapple! 

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