Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just another American "Monday" night

Since we decided to go to the ball game Saturday, I have been craving hot dogs.  I really wanted to get the Xtreme dogs they have at the stadium but we came across BBQ first at the Blue Moon lounge and since I had never been there, we got some pulled pork bbq nachos.  They were pretty good..no Central BBQ but for Denver and for a baseball game, I won't complain.
Due to these nachos, I didn't end up getting a hot dog so I decided to make them for dinner last night instead.  No fancy meal tonight but here is how our dinner went:
I got 4 smoked pork jalapeño chedder brats and 8 organic beef hot dogs.  I usually would get the hotdogs at the butcher case but they only had buffalo so I just went with the packaged instead.  I threw these on the grill along with corn made the same way last time, wrapped in foil with butter, salt, and pepper.
The corn cooked for about 40 minutes, flipping every 5 minutes.  The brats and hotdogs cooked for about 20 minutes, flipping them every so often.  With 5 minutes or so left, I threw the buns on the grill as well.
The buns eventually were placed on the bottom for a quick minute total just to grill a little more instead of just toasting.  I also put pepper jack cheese on the tops of the hot dogs.  
Along with the dogs and corn, I made caprese salads.  I had some grape tomatoes leftover from last week and needed to use them before they went bad so I picked up some fresh mozzarella balls at Whole Foods. 
I halved the tomatoes and added the mozzarella.  I also picked some basil from the back yard and gave it a quick chop.  To this, I added some balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste.  Usually my ratio of vinegar to oil is 1:3.  
So overall, our dinner turned out a little something like this

Pretty simple but perfect for a busy Monday night when you don't have much time.  

I also thought I'd share my love for pickled okra.  While waiting for Eric to get home last night, I found myself getting hungry so I decided to snack on them and felt the need to share.  If you haven't tried it, I highly suggest it.  This is the kind I get :)

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