Thursday, May 3, 2012

Figs are kinda gross.....

Lucky for us, there were no figs in our dinner :) 

Every Wednesday, Whole Foods has a sale on their rotisserie chickens.  Therefore, every Wednesday I buy a whole chicken whether we really want it or not because I know they are delicious and we'll eat it eventually.  Once the chicken makes it home, I immediately debone it and put the meat in tupperware because it's easiest to take the meat off when it's still hot.  It's kind of great how easily meat falls off a bone when it's cooked well.  I have decided that the Chimichurri (sp?) flavor is my favorite. 

In the process today of looking for dinner ingredients, I happened to see these ball things in the seafood case which were also on sale for $0.99 each and sounded interesting....bacon, cheddar, and crab ball things.  I wish I remembered the correct name for them but I asked for them as balls and that's what I'll continue to call them.  Two balls please! 
I baked them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes until the outside seemed baked and crispy.  Once you bite into them, they kind of taste like mashed potato balls with a crispy crust of breadcrumbs.  There is only the slightest hint of cheese or crab and I really didn't even get any bacon.  Mine, for some reason, had peas in it which was a surprise since Eric's had no peas and they were supposed to be the same thing.  Overall, they weren't the best things in the world but I guess that's what you'd expect for $0.99.  I think a bit of Cosmo's Spicy Ranch would have added to the experience, as it does add to most experiences. 

Tonight's main course is based off of a salad that was introduced to me by my best friend Liz! Four years ago, she introduced me to the fabulous place known as Cherry Creek Grill.  It's owned by the same company as Houstons and Hillstone and their menus are very similar.  However, you can only get this salad at Cherry Creek Grill.  It's the Macho Salad and we shared this the first time we went there after our "grueling" walk around Cherry Creek North trying to decide where to eat, either Houstons or CCG, not knowing they were basically the same place.  Fortunately, we ended up at CCG and it's become one of my favs ever since.

Anyway, let's get into the salad shall we?  It's ingredients are pretty simple but something about it is just delicious.  I changed some of the things since this salad has goat cheese and I despise goat cheese and I also took out the corn. This salad is made of the following:

Spring Mix
Madjool Dates (NOT figs): Roughly chopped and pitted
Grape Tomatoes
Cornbread Croutons: I just bought cornbread at Whole Foods and put it in the oven until crunch
English Farmers Cheddar
Blush Wine Vinaigrette

Wine: Parkers Estate Chardonnay.  It was's not a favorite pick and I don't know that I'll buy it again because it has a little too much grape flavor for me, resembling grape juice, but it's drinkable and went well with the chicken and dressing.  

It came out tasting great, like I knew it would because you can't really go wrong with those ingredients anyway.  They seem like pretty standard salad ingredients, but something about it just pushes it over the top. 

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