Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"The journey of a thousand pounds begins with a single burger" Chris O'Brien

Sunday, I was really craving a burger.  Eric and I went bowling and for some reason, afterwards, we both decided we really wanted Italian instead so no burger Sunday.  This meant on Monday, I was REALLY craving a burger.  For a split second, I considered buying the pre-made burgers b/c they had some on sale at Whole Foods that sounded good, cheddar jalapeño, but I told myself not to be lazy and just got 95% ground beef instead.  My burger mix consisted of the following (sorry no picture):
ground beef
garlic powder
onion salt
cayenne pepper
chili sauce
ground mustard
I know it seems like a lot to go into a burger but they are pretty good.  I mixed it all up and then put them in the fridge so they could "firm" up before dinner.  Put them on the grill at about medium heat and then topped them with pepper jack cheese.  Prior to the burger, I roasted a jalapeño and put it in a ziplock bag and also grilled an onion. 
The toppings consisted of:
grilled onions
roasted jalapeños
For sides, I picked up a traditional potato salad and mediterranean pasta salad from Whole Foods and for an appetizer, we had deviled eggs.
The eggs were pretty good.  I would have put some sweet relish in them and maybe a little more salt but they were definitely fitting for the general pallet.  

The weather this week is going to be amazing so hopefully there will be many outdoor meals coming up.  We may be off our salad kick for a bit :)

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