Friday, May 4, 2012

"She said that the biggest fish in the river gets that way by never being caught."

No salad last night!!

Once again, salmon was on sale and I really just can't resist a good sale on salmon.  This time it was Sockeye which I like every once in a while for its meatiness.  It has more of a steak-like texture as opposed to Norwegian, which tends to be flakier and fattier.

  I'm still getting the hang of remembering to take pictures so there will be times that I just forget.  Our dinner last night consisted of shrimp cocktail (not pictured), roasted brussel sprouts, and salmon.  I meant to take a picture of the sprouts in the bowl before I started roasting them but....I forgot =/ so instead, I took a picture of them in the oven.

Brussel Sprouts:  Removed the outer leaves and cut off the stubs.  Tossed them in olive oil, salt, and pepper.  Put them in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 min, shook the pan and flipped them, and put them back in the oven for another 20 min.  Once I took them out, I put them back in the bowl and tossed them in shredded cheese. I picked Farmer's English Chedder b/c I love the nuttiness of it.

For the salmon, I just drizzled some OO, salt and pepper on top.  I wasn't going to put a glaze on it until after but changed my mind last minute and threw a mustard and dill glaze on top (Whole Foods).  Threw it in the oven at 400 degrees and cooked it for 20 min.  I did this when the brussel sprouts also only had 20 min left so they could come out at the same time.

I had some candied walnuts leftover from our Macho Salads the night before so I chopped them up and after the salmon had cooked for 20 minutes, threw them on top and put baked for another 3 minutes, just to "glue" everything together.
Finished product: Put some more glaze on top of the salmon and cracked some pepper just for finishing touches.  We ended up dipping our sprouts in spicy ranch and ketchup.  Yum!!

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